Ham Radio Books
HF Wire Antennas

The ham radio books on HF wire antennas, described on this page, are intentionally light on theory and heavy on practicalities.

I, Claude Jollet, am the author of the eBooks and paperback book advertised on this page. As required by the FTC, I declare that I earn a portion of the retail price every time you buy a copy after clicking on a link on this page, or at any other time in the future.

The eBooks below explain in layman's terms how ham radio HF wire antennas work - and why some don't - by providing numerous examples and illustrations.

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Ham Radio Books
on HF Wire Antennas
* * *
eBook ONE

An Introduction

Was $2.99  Now $0.99

Amateur Radio HF Antennas Book One An Introduction

HF Antennas - Book One - An Introduction

What stands between you, the amateur radio operator, and all the other amateur radio operators in the world?

Antennas. Yours, theirs…and propagation conditions between.

In other words, you can have the most advanced transceiver, coupled with the most powerful amplifier on the market, if you know too little about how antenna systems work and about radio wave propagation, you risk spending your time and money for naught.

This eBook is the first of a series on HF wire antenna basics. Together, these eBooks will help ensure that you turn the situation around to your advantage. They will make a great addition to the ham radio books you should have.

Is Available At These
Fine eBook Stores

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ls also Available
In The Following Formats

ePUB Version

Google Books     GumRoad

(Compatible with
Sony and NOOK(TM) eReaders)

PDF Version


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or Preview app on a Mac)


HF Antennas For Limited Space

Amateur Radio HF Antennas For Limited Space

Book Two - HF Antennas for Limited Space

What additional challenge is there to HF communications besides:

  • Overcoming often adverse propagation conditions;
  • Establishing solid contacts in the cacophony of pileups when conditions are good;
  • Acquiring the necessary operating skills?

Finding space to install a large HF antenna, that's what!

This eBook, with its many illustrations, will supply some of the most viable HF antenna solutions for restricted spaces, and explain the pros and cons of each. You will then be free to choose the solution that will “fit” into the space you have available while meeting most of your needs.

The solution you opt for will involve compromises. But, at least, you will have the luxury of being able to choose.

Is Available At These
Fine eBook Stores

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ls also Available
In The Following Formats

ePUB Version

Google Books   GumRoad

(Compatible with
Sony and NOOK(TM) eReaders)

PDF Version

(Requires Adobe Reader on a PC
or Preview app on a Mac)


Homemade HF Antennas

Amateur Radio Homemade HF Antennas

Amateur Radio HF Antennas - Book Three - Homemade HF Antennas

Imagine! You are suddenly getting 59+ signal reports. You proudly answer that you are running “barefoot” and using a homemade HF antenna. You're in amateur radio heaven.

Nothing compares to the intense satisfaction that the amateur radio operator derives from having built a fully functional homemade amateur radio HF antenna. Planning, gathering the parts, assembling, adapting, testing and, finally, making memorable contacts with your homemade antenna are priceless moments in an amateur's life. The rewards are many, as you will see.

This eBook is designed to help you reach that level of satisfaction.

Is Available At These
Fine eBook Stores

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ls also Available
In The Following Formats

ePUB Version

Google Books   GumRoad

(Compatible with
Sony and NOOK(TM) eReaders)

PDF Version

(Requires Adobe Reader on a PC
or Preview app on a Mac)


HF Antenna Accessories

Amateur Radio HF Antennas - Book Four - Antenna Accessories

Amateur Radio HF Antennas - Book Four - Antenna Accessories

Ham radio books on HF wire antennas would not be complete without this fourth eBook in the series on Amateur Radio HF Antennas. It covers essential, and often ill-understood HF antenna accessories.

Lightning on the horizon? You are not worried … because you installed the lightning protection devices described in this eBook, and you have taken the preventive measures as prescribed.

But that’s not all. Your HF antenna is now transmitting more RF power, and your receiver is getting more milliwatts from your antenna system, because you learned what types of antenna tuners to avoid. You are now using an efficient tuner, and you even know how it works.

Your antenna tuner will likely have its own SWR/PWR meter. Notwithstanding, this eBook will help you decide if you still need an outboard one, and which meter will best meet your needs.

Furthermore, armed with the valuable information you read here, you finally acquired the antenna analyzer to satisfy the expectations of the antenna experimenter in you.

Emboldened by your recent successful acquisitions, you now have the antenna tower you were dreaming of. You heeded the recommendations this eBook provided and, thus, avoided all the pitfalls that await the unwary.

Finally, an eBook series on HF wire antennas would not be complete without a word on HF signal propagation. It outlines the software and online services available today which enable you to take full advantage of band openings.

Is Available At These
Fine eBook Stores

If you need an eBook reader compatible with the eBooks below, click HERE.

ls also Available
In The Following Formats

ePUB Version

Google Books   GumRoad

(Compatible with
Sony and NOOK(TM) eReaders)

PDF Version

(Requires Adobe Reader on a PC
or Preview app on a Mac)


The Compendium Edition

Two Book Formats Available

VE2DPE holding paperback version of Book-5 on Amateur Radio HF Antennas

eBook Version

Amateur Radio HF Antennas by VE2DPE - Book Five - A compendium of all four eBooks in the series.

Amateur Radio
HF Antennas Series
VE2DPE's Entire
Four-Book Collection

Introductory Offer
Kindle version
44% OFF Regular Price
(all formats below)


Amateur Radio HF Antennas by VE2DPE - Book Five - A compendium of all four eBooks in the series in paperback format.

Amateur Radio
HF Antennas Series
- Paperback
VE2DPE's Entire
Four-Book Collection

Introductory Offer
Paperback version

20% OFF Regular Price

(see below)

"How the heck did you ever pack this much knowledge in a book so down to earth and practical? Thank you sooo much for your gift of keeping things simple and clear for us nuts and bolts kind of guys!"
Rod - KI7YGW

Amateur Radio HF Antennas by VE2DPE - Book Five - A compendium of all four eBooks in the series.

Ham radio books on HF antennas abound. But this one stands out because it is mostly aimed at the amateur radio beginner and aspiring ones. Therefore, this compendium of four eBooks provides answers to basic questions like: What is the best HF antenna for my needs and location? What type of stand-alone antenna tuner should I use and which should I avoid? How can I hide my HF antenna from the neighbors and still get acceptable performance from it? What about lightning protection?

This book will supply immediately useful answers to the above questions and many more.

A properly designed and installed amateur radio HF antenna system can potentially make the humblest ham radio equipment perform like stations worth thousands of dollars.

We are confident that the antenna experimenter will find the information given here priceless. Furthermore, any ham radio operator, armed with the information this book contains, will become a much better informed buyer of commercially made HF antenna systems and accessories.

This special edition is published in response to ham radio operators who wrote to ask that all the basic information, on and related to amateur radio HF wire antennas, be made available in one book instead of four, arguing that it would be more convenient. The author and publisher agree.

Therefore this edition contains the complete four-book series on Amateur Radio HF Antenna published by Claude Jollet, VE2DPE. It will be a very useful addition to the other ham radio books you may already possess.


Is Available At These
Fine eBook Stores
A 44% Saving OFF Regular Price

If you need an eBook reader compatible with the eBooks below, click HERE.

ls also Available
In The Following Formats
A 44% Saving OFF Regular Price

ePUB Version

Google Books   GumRoad

(Compatible with
Sony and NOOK(TM) eReaders)

PDF Version

(Requires Adobe Reader on a PC
or Preview app on a Mac)

Amateur Radio HF Antennas by VE2DPE - Book Five - A compendium of all four eBooks in the series in paperback format.

Paperback Version

Introductory Offer
20% OFF Regular Price

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9

QTH Locator: FN36gb

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