Here is my review of Solo Build It! (a.k.a. SBI!). I found it to be ideally suited to build and grow a small online business catering to ham radio operator needs.
We ham radio operators are familiar with "Elmers", those indispensable persons who will do everything in their power to help you succeed in becoming a full fledged amateur radio operator.
When I first came up with the idea of sharing my knowledge and know-how of ham radio on a Web site, Solo Build It! (a.k.a. SBI!) became my special "Elmer" in this odd and foreboding endeavor.
This Page Covers
I had no clue where to begin. I knew absolutely nothing about how to
build a successful Web presence. Social media did not exist when I got
my idea. Besides, even if Facebook™ and Twitter™ had been available,
where was I to put the many pages of decision-making information you now
find on ?
Oh! I knew how to code up a web
site in HTML and CSS. I also knew how to structure information in a way
that it would be easy to find it within a web site.
But as far as marketing myself and my knowledge on the web, I was a complete neophyte.
My special "Elmer" in business - SBI! - guided me and provided all the support I needed (and I needed a lot in the beginning) to succeed.
Succeed I did, much beyond my modest expectations.
Incubator in this context means giving a business idea the ideal environment and support it needs to grow strong in order to be able to thrive and be of help to those who seek its contribution toward a specific fulfillment.
SBI! is a business-building process that knows no equal. Over the past 20 years, it has helped countless solopreneurs, like me, reach their intended clientele effectively.
In fact, the SBI! business building process is uniquely engineered to make the online presence and visibility of any solopreneur business - virtually unavoidable.
This, in turn, makes business profitability not only more probable but also sizeable.
A solopreneur is a person who, single-handedly, starts a small business, often online first, then offline next.
For example, browse around my web site - It provides useful decision-making information on many ill-understood aspects of amateur radio to hundreds of my web site visitors each day.
This U.S. government page tells you what to do to start and manage a small online business.
But you will need to know how to do all that. SBI! shows you how, step by step.
Read all about it below.
Each day, my web site visitors pay an average of 400 visits to my web site, generating close to 800 page views in the process. Yes, that's each day!
If you look at these numbers in terms of advertising potential, it means that the eBooks I sell are seen 750-800 times a day.
This means that close to ten thousand times a year my intended audience is made aware of the eBooks I have to offer. My total cost? Less than a dollar a day!
That's incredibly cost effective when compared to the cost and the relatively poor effectiveness of traditional advertising.
In traditional advertising terms, page views equal "page impressions" - the number of times your product or service is put in front of people's eyes who (you hope) will become potential customers.
But traditional advertising is random and "lossy". Too many people see a traditional ad when they are either :
Traditional advertising makes you throw away money (and precious business time) on haphazard results.
In contrast, a SBI!-built online business draws the attention of people who are intentionally searching for a solution to a specific need. They are "focused" and, thus, predisposed and likely receptive to the decision-making information you will present to them.
A SBI!-built online business presence will give you a better than a fighting chance at showing up ahead of your competition on Google. Implementing the SBI! business-building process gives you an almost unfair advantage.
When the decision-making information you share is well structured,
meaningful and especially useful, search engines such as Google, Bing
and Yahoo will catalogue your website information, compare it to similar
information available elsewhere on the Web, and rate it for its
perceived usefulness.
The SBI! Action Guide taught me how to structure my web site's content for maximum usefulness to the individuals who choose to visit it.
How have these people been able to make that critical choice?
By making my information outstandingly useful (carefully following the SBI! Action Guide
recommendations), my business web site eventually ends up appearing in
the top 10 results in response to a query made, via the search engines,
by individuals using words (a.k.a. keywords) to describe what they are
looking for.
What if some of your competitors, in turn, also decide to use Solo Build It!?
You will have a solid head start. It will remain insurmountable . . .
My review of Solo Build It! would not be complete if I did not provide proof of SBI!'s effectiveness at making my own efforts rise to the top on the Web.
For example, search for "short ham antennas" on Google. You will likely find a link to my web site page listed among the first 10 results for this query.
Many of my web site pages are just as visible on the Web.
That's what I meant earlier by "online presence and visibility of any solopreneur business - virtually unavoidable".
My page on "short ham antennas" - and the many other popular pages on my web site - bring increased visibility to my eBooks on Amateur Radio HF Antennas.
This high visibility has translated into increased sales, fulfilling the very purpose of my SBI!-built online business presence.
My business web site has become a powerful marketing vehicle for my eBooks because I carefully implemented the SBI! business-building process.
I built this site to provide people like you with useful, decision-making information on many aspects of amateur radio. My site monetizes through ads by companies related to amateur radio and by selling my eBooks.
If you would like to advertise or sponsor this site, please reach me through this application form.
My small business niche online is ham radio, with an emphasis on HF antennas.
Whatever your niche of choice may be (photography, sky diving, RC helicopters...), SBI! can put you on the map and make you stand out in that niche.
Once you have visitor traffic flowing to your site, you can monetize simply (ex. ads) or through higher-paying methods such as selling eBooks or consulting services or even your own products.
In fact, you don't even need to have a product or service to sell at first.
If you have a passion for something you do, or have done, backed by knowledge and know-how, start by building a solid reputation for yourself online. The SBI! Action Guide showed me how.
When more than a hundred people were visiting my SBI!-built website each day, I knew I had earned my intended audience's attention.
That's when I decided to start the part-time business that I had planned,
A few months later, my website traffic had grown to hundreds of visitors per day. That's when I decided to turn my part-time business to a full-time one.
You would be surprised how many people do not have your knowledge or experience - and are actively seeking it. Here is how it works.
You need to reach your intended audience - directly, not haphazardly - to grow your business.
I suggest that you do it online. But do not just settle for a website hosting service.
It's more economical and incredibly more effective when you use a proven online business building process like Solo Build It! (Hosting your business' web site is included, of course).
After all, if I have been able to become successful at selling my ebooks and paperback versions of them online - with the help of SBI! - I strongly believe you can too!
SBI! works regardless of what your business idea might be. But it works especially well when - like me - you have something unique to sell that nobody else can offer. In that case you face both a challenge and an opportunity:
When I found SBI! I knew with absolute certainty that opportunity had knocked. That's when I realized that I would finally be able to make my business idea become a reality.
Within a year, I was in business.
The content of a SBIer's business website - elaborated as per SBI!'s Action Guide - builds trust because it shares useful, actionable decision-making information with its visitors.
Visitors who trust you will buy more readily from you then from anyone else who was not as helpful.
No, a Facebook™ page alone won't cut it. Even WordPress™ will not help - unless it's integrated into a carefully implemented Solo Build It! business process. Fortunately, SBI! is also available to WP users.
SBI! used to stand for Site Build It! when I began to build my online business with it in 2008.
Now SBI! stands for Solo Build It! Why?
Because I, and thousands of others, were building online businesses with it. We were using SBI! to become successful solopreneurs.
As I see it, rebranding SBI! to Solo Build It! was a no-brainer.
In fact, the web site is the door, the hallway to the business behind. It is where people find useful decision-making information. It is where we SBIers show people how to become well informed and responsible customers.
The business itself is behind the door and online hallway.
SBI! has always been about building businesses ... not business doors.
How will people find your business online?
A web site alone cannot help you. A complete and time-proven online business building process will. That's what SBI! is.
need a place on the Web where people will find the decision-making
information you want to share with them on a permanent basis. That's
your web site's content.
It is that information your intended audience seeks - not the somewhat watered down and ill-organized info which - "fortunately" for you as a SBIer - is abundantly available elsewhere on the Web.
A website is not the business. It is the visible entry point of it. The site's content must predispose the visitor to trust and eventually buy from your business.
In the Solo Build It! process, the building of the business web site itself is only one of ten critical business building blocks! Actually, it's the sixth step - yes the 6th - in the SBI! ten-step process.
That's how Solo Build It! will uniquely enable you - as it did with me and thousands of other solopreneurs - to build a solid, enviable and rewarding reputation for yourself and your business online.
One of the many aspects that make Solo Build It! rise above any other so-called "business builders" out there - as a real and dynamic business builder - lies in how it listens to its solopreneur clients - the SBIers.
All SBIers are invited to make recommendations - called wishes.
Some of these end up becoming small incremental improvements to the SBI! modules or the guidance material - that the SBI! team implements when enough solopreneurs support a given wish.
Other wishes sometimes result in major advances, further consolidating SBI!'s position as positively disruptive technology for solopreneurs.
Browse around the SBI! forum listing. Witness all the Wishes Granted ... up to now.
In some cases, you will come upon a wish that was granted which may mean nothing to you if you are not a SBIer. It only means that it concerns one of the many unique (not found anywhere else) features of the Solo Build It! business-building environment, or of its vibrant ecosystem.
Some of the major acronyms you will encounter are:
One thing is certain. No wish is granted unless it furthers The Cause - which is to supply its solopreneurs (SBIers) with the most advanced (often unique) technology and guidance material to empower me and thousands of other SBIers in our respective business endeavors.
Solo Build It! is a living, constantly evolving business-building process built on collaboration and mutual trust.
As I write this, 1404 wishes have been granted. Many more are being processed and will be implemented in the months to come.
In fact, as the expectations of SBI!'s solopreneurs continue to rise in number and sophistication, the wishes granted constantly push the envelope to consolidate SBI!'s effectiveness and uniqueness.
If Wealthy Affiliates users only knew...
As you do your due diligence and look for a review of Solo Build It!, other than mine - as I'm sure you will (you should, anyway) - you will find a surprisingly high number of reviews about SBI!
A huge number of them have two characteristics in common:
In contrast, I can and do offer irrefutable proof (below) that SBI! is the best solution for solopreneurs. "B" company has not, because they cannot.
"B" company - offering that other so-called business-building solution - has enrolled and trained tens of thousands of affiliates to do one thing: build their "business" online recommending/selling their product simply by stating that SBI! is the inferior product.
In other words, "B" company affiliates earn a commission by preying upon unsuspecting people aspiring to build a successful small business online. They use fake reviews to that end.
There is only one way to tell if a review of Solo Build It! is real.
If it supplies verifiable proof, then it's genuine.
Solo Build It! has published a head-to-head study that proves
- beyond any shadow of doubt - that SBI! is more than 33 times more
effective than "B" company in helping solopreneurs' online businesses rise among the top
succeeding businesses online, worldwide.
Best of all, you do not
have to take The Study for granted.
The Study is entirely reproducible by anyone inclined to see for themselves. Yes, you are given the "recipe" to find the truth for yourself.
The Study comes with clear instructions to enable anyone to find out for themselves that SBI! is indeed the better company, by far, in enabling aspiring solopreneurs to succeed.
The Study is published here
The proof is in the pudding. Therefore, always insist on proof from any company making claims.
The Study brings indisputable proof that the company behind Solo Build It! can, indeed, claim to be the only one able to give solopreneurs what it takes to rise above their competition.
The Study is the ultimate head-to-head proof that SBI! is unequaled at producing successful online solopreneurs.
Even before The Study was released, Solo Build It! had already been providing many other kinds of proof for years.
Irrefutable, verifiable proof of effectiveness.
That's what my review of Solo Build It! is about.
I sincerely hope my review of SBI! will serve to counterbalance the countless fake reviews about it on the Web these days.
Here is a significant addition to my review of Solo Build It!
A recent study found that SBI! business websites are 10 times (10X) more likely to achieve “Outstanding to Excellent” levels of visitor traffic than GoDaddy websites.
The study also found that 74% of GoDaddy websites are virtually "invisible". By comparison, Solo Build It!’s “Invisible” rate is only 40%.
In business,
more targeted visitor traffic = more income.
Therefore, if you intend to generate income from your website, you need a
website that means business by being visible to your intended
Again, nothing beats SBI! at enabling solopreneurs to build a successful business online.
If you found this review of Solo Build It! helpful
Look into SBI! now ...
before your competition beats you to it
and gets a head start on your business!
I am not paid,
nor do I receive any other form of compensation
for writing this review of SBI!
I became upset about the number of fake reviews about an outstanding product that my small online business relies on and I want to offer my personal point of view.
I and countless other solopreneurs like me have found SBI! to be the best all-in-one solution to start and grow an online business. Here’s another example of a real Solo Build It! review.
I just think that you deserve to hear from real business persons who use and love SBI!
73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
7, Rue de la Rive, Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9
QTH Locator: FN36gb
you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small
commission on the transaction, at no extra cost to you. Thank you!
About Me
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About This Site
Ham Infopreneur
Web Design
Building Sites
Solo Build It! Review
Is a member
in good standing
Also a proud member of an international community of solopreneurs
using SoloBuildIt!
to promote my self-published eBooks
since 2005.
See my review
of this unique product for online businesses.
If you have a question, a comment or a topic you would like me to cover, please do not hesitate to ask here.